Category: Recent
神を信じる どういうこと
日本人がよく勘違いする英語の表現に、「私は~を知っています」というものがあります。 例えばDo you know Mr.Trump?聞かれて、Yes!I khow Trump.と答えてしまう人が多いようです。 これはネイティブにはどう聞こえているでしょうか? 個人的に親しく知っている家族、親友、友人のイメージです。 では何と言ったらよかったのかと言いますと、I know about…
By ky25
November 24
1 Samuel 12:24 Be sure to fear the LORD and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you. Romans 15:4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning,…
By theophan
Darmowy internet z Aero2
Aby uruchomić darmowy internet z Aero2 należy najpierw uzyskać odpowiednią kartę SIM u dostawcy :…
By Piotr
Kommandoer i Linux Mint
I det følgende har jeg lavet en liste over forskellige kommandoer til brug i et Linux Mint Terminalvindue. Kommandoerne er ikke sorterede, så de står altså i en hel vilkårlig rækkefølge:…
By nesega
The real world seen through my eyes: the same landscape, covered in snow. In our quest for beauty, we filter what we see. Sometimes we use the AI (artificial intelligence) to enhance our photography, more commonly we…
By Cezar
Sonne, Strand und Entspannung - Nha Trang & Mui Ne
Nach den vielfältigen Erlebnissen der letzten Wochen verbrachten wir die Aufenthalte in der Mitte bzw. im Süden Vietnams in komfortablen Resorthotels. Der Fokus lag auf Baden im Meer und Pool, Verkosten regionaler…
By Sven
What these times mean for freedom loving people.
Since the US election on November 5, 2024, I've been thinking so much about people and nations of the world who have experienced the terrible and frightening road to fascist dictatorship. I feel such a kinship with…
By lynnskyi
November 23
Hebrews 2:1 It’s necessary for us to pay more attention to what we have heard, or else we may drift away from it. Hebrews 6:19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the…
By theophan