Category: Recent
Amur Cakes
Ищете вкусные и простые рецепты десертов…? На нашем сайте вы найдете разнообразные рецепты тортов, суфле и песочных печений! Порадуйте своих близких уникальными сладкими угощениями и праздничными десертами, которые…
By amurcakes
November 13
Psalm 16:3 The psalmist wrote, “I say of the holy people who are in the land, ‘They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.’” Hebrews 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not…
By theophan
The Problem
As more users shift towards e-wallets for daily transactions, the reliance on cash is steadily decreasing. This shift presents a unique challenge in traditional card games, where cash is often used for betting or…
By empty32
迷宫饭 ダンジョン飯 Delicious in Dungeon
类型:漫画分类:美食/奇幻冒险/魔法/欢乐向状态:完结连载:2014年作者:九井谅子出版社:角川出版册数:全14册/97话 参考:维基百科…
By shuiwudengli
A Voice that has impact ... CLIP - made with Clipchamp.mp4 …
Tip #594
Trigger Command Chains from a toolbar button with a custom icon. Command Chains can be triggered with Quick Commands, Keyboard Shortcuts, Mouse Gestures, toolbar buttons, and from menus. Command Chain toolbar buttons…
By Vivaldi Tips
田野大輔「ファシズムの教室 なぜ集団は暴走するのか」
田野大輔著「ファシズムの教室 なぜ集団は暴走するのか」(大月書店)読了。 『検証 ナチスは「良いこと」もしたのか?』共著でおなじみの歴史社会学者、田野先生による、いわゆるファシズムを体験する大学の実践授業についての本。…
By kizehura
King Arthur
Arthur (3 December 455 - 537) was Duke of Somerset from 490 to 537 and the leader of the Britons during the Battle of Badon of the 6th century. Is the legendary ruler of Britain, the central character in the collection…
By oldfreebie