Category: Recent

Nov. 11, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Vietnams Norden - Hanoi & Sapa

Und schon steht das letzte Land unserer Reise an: Vietnam. Nach den zumeist dünn besiedelten, idyllischen und hügeligen Landschaften Neuseelands ging es direkt in die Hauptstadt Hanoi. Mit 8,5 Millionen Einwohnern,…

By Sven

Gaius Baltar: Der schwache Westen

Gekürzte Fassung dieses Originalartikels…, Übersetzung: DeepL

By nowhereman

November 11

Ephesians 4:26 Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. Philippians 4:11 Paul wrote, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”…

By theophan

The Review of Trespass

The Book of Trespass by Nick Hayes is a great read. It dives into what land and property really are, and how our society is shaped by it. The book tells the story from an English perspective, and though I live in…

By lonm

The Complexity of the Game Level Devil: A Deep Dive Into Its Challenges

Level Devil is an indie puzzle game that has captured the attention of gamers with its deceptively simple yet deeply complex gameplay. While at first glance it might seem like just another casual puzzle experience,…

By slightlycell

The Complexity of Hill Climb Racing: A Deceptively Simple but Challenging Game

Hill Climb Racing is one of the most popular mobile games globally, known for its straightforward mechanics and engaging gameplay. However, beneath its simple premise of driving a vehicle through hilly terrain, the game…

By slightlycell


so many Nissan Sentras in the community college overflow parking lot

By mwschmeer


I want to take the short cut across the long way around the block and back I want to eat the blackberries on the old tree hanging over the new deck of the house we used to live in when we loved liked lovers sneaking…

By mwschmeer


Human health ultimately comes down to the soil. I've read that there is more life under the soil than above it in terms of mass. But today's soil is nothing more than a dead "growing medium". It physically anchors the…

By paul1149

Implicit Knowledge

I feel like I’m waiting for something that isn’t going to happen.…

By Cezar

Maiara's Important Update For The AdMaiaras. :)

So! OK. I want to let all my AdMaiaras know… (I still love you all, AdMaiaras!!!) …I want to let you all know, right? That I'm doing well and everything, and that Lesbian Laser Fest went well!…

By victoriareign