Category: Recent
J.C. Bach - Sonata in C Minor, W.A 8
Johann Christian Bach - Keyboard Sonata in C Minor, Op.17, No.2, W.A 8 - Prestissimo…
By Cezar
Hello to you :)
We’re really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a…
By magle98
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning…
アイヒマンの後継者 ミルグラム博士の恐るべき告発
アマプラで「アイヒマンの後継者 ミルグラム博士の恐るべき告発」を鑑賞。 アメリカの社会心理学者スタンレー・ミルグラムを描いたもの。 やはりメインになるのはアイヒマン・テストと呼ばれる服従実験。 平凡な一市民でも、一定の条件下であれば人は残酷になりうるということを示したもの。 被験者の65%がそうだったというが、果たして自分は残りの35%になれるだろうか。 …
By kizehura
皆さんは友達が多い方でしょうか?少ない方でしょうか? 友達については色んな意見があります。 多ければ多い方が良いという人もいますし、逆に友達は要らないという人もいます。 多い方が良いと思う人は、友達が多いことによって、自分が色んな経験ができたり、色んな考え方を知ることができるので、それで自分が成長できるという考えです。 逆にいらないと思う人は、人間関係で煩わされる自分らしくマイペースで生きていきたいと考えます。 確かに友達は良くも悪くも…
By ky25
How can a queer person cope with school violence?
School violence is aggressive behavior that occurs in educational settings and can take many forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, and cyberbullying. It can affect students for a variety of reasons, including…
By milkis
Java Keytool Keystore Commands
Java Keytool Keystore Commands The Java Keytool is a command-line tool that allows you to manage cryptographic keys and certificates in a keystore. A keystore is a database that can store keys and certificates. The…
By disu1950
Линеарни хармонијски осцилатор
Математички опис линеарног хармонијског осцилатора представља изазов за просечног ученика када се први пут сусретне са изучавањем кретања која се понављају. Потребо је да разуме: разлоге за увођење тригонометријских…
By dristic
Connecting Zotero and Scrivener
I set this up a while ago, used it a few times, decided it was too much of a pain. Then did the whole thing over again and came to the same conclusion. I'm documenting what I did in case others want to try it out. Maybe…
By sboragina
Digital Tools for Writing and Researching
Reference Manager: Zotero - it's free and open source, it's supported by my university and integrates well with my university's library, it has a phone app a convenient browser extension -- what's not to love? Writing:…
By sboragina
On inequality and inequitable distributions of power
This is not an analysis of why Kamala Harris wasn’t elected President. Except, really it is.…
By AJ Sadauskas