Category: Recent

Линеарни хармонијски осцилатор

Математички опис линеарног хармонијског осцилатора представља изазов за просечног ученика када се први пут сусретне са изучавањем кретања која се понављају. Потребо је да разуме: разлоге за увођење тригонометријских…

By dristic

Hi all)

Hi, my name is rose with milk. I am a queer teenager from Russia. I am enby, also I am the founder and author of the queer media BRIDGE. Now I will broadcast news from our Russian media here, only in English. I want…

By milkis

Connecting Zotero and Scrivener

I set this up a while ago, used it a few times, decided it was too much of a pain. Then did the whole thing over again and came to the same conclusion. I'm documenting what I did in case others want to try it out. Maybe…

By sboragina

Digital Tools for Writing and Researching

Reference Manager: Zotero - it's free and open source, it's supported by my university and integrates well with my university's library, it has a phone app a convenient browser extension -- what's not to love? Writing:…

By sboragina

On inequality and inequitable distributions of power

This is not an analysis of why Kamala Harris wasn’t elected President. Except, really it is.…

By AJ Sadauskas

Nov. 9, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Hallo wereld

Просто канал рандомного цветка из подмосковья

By gladiolusli8

November 09

1 John 4:19 We love because first loved us. 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.…

By theophan

ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini

Zainstalowałem na smartfonie asystentów: ChatGPT, Copilot i Gemini. Zawsze interesowały mnie nowinki techniczne. Z biegiem czasu korzystam z nich coraz częściej. Te sztuczne inteligencje wspierają mnie w różnych…

By Piotr

Tip #592

Explore what's trending in the community on Vivaldi Social. The Explore section of Vivaldi Social is a great place to discover interesting content and new accounts to follow. It shows new posts that have been boosted…

By Vivaldi Tips

#3 Evan Prodromou (Social Web Foundation) – For a Better Web

In this podcast series, Bruce interviews people from across different communities and industries who, in their own way, are fighting for a better web. In this episode, Bruce’s guest is Evan Prodromou, Research Director…

By Jane


Fátima no dia que levou a sua condenação. Em decisão proferida dessa semana, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou que Maria de Fátima Mendonça Jacinto Souza comece a cumprir imediatamente a pena de 17 anos de…

By ProfFábio