Category: Recent
Линеарни хармонијски осцилатор
Математички опис линеарног хармонијског осцилатора представља изазов за просечног ученика када се први пут сусретне са изучавањем кретања која се понављају. Потребо је да разуме: разлоге за увођење тригонометријских…
By dristic
Connecting Zotero and Scrivener
I set this up a while ago, used it a few times, decided it was too much of a pain. Then did the whole thing over again and came to the same conclusion. I'm documenting what I did in case others want to try it out. Maybe…
By sboragina
Digital Tools for Writing and Researching
Reference Manager: Zotero - it's free and open source, it's supported by my university and integrates well with my university's library, it has a phone app a convenient browser extension -- what's not to love? Writing:…
By sboragina
On inequality and inequitable distributions of power
This is not an analysis of why Kamala Harris wasn’t elected President. Except, really it is.…
By AJ Sadauskas
November 09
1 John 4:19 We love because first loved us. 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.…
By theophan
ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini
Zainstalowałem na smartfonie asystentów: ChatGPT, Copilot i Gemini. Zawsze interesowały mnie nowinki techniczne. Z biegiem czasu korzystam z nich coraz częściej. Te sztuczne inteligencje wspierają mnie w różnych…
By Piotr
Tip #592
Explore what's trending in the community on Vivaldi Social. The Explore section of Vivaldi Social is a great place to discover interesting content and new accounts to follow. It shows new posts that have been boosted…
By Vivaldi Tips
#3 Evan Prodromou (Social Web Foundation) – For a Better Web
In this podcast series, Bruce interviews people from across different communities and industries who, in their own way, are fighting for a better web. In this episode, Bruce’s guest is Evan Prodromou, Research Director…
By Jane
Fátima no dia que levou a sua condenação. Em decisão proferida dessa semana, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou que Maria de Fátima Mendonça Jacinto Souza comece a cumprir imediatamente a pena de 17 anos de…
By ProfFábio