Category: Recent
Das Outback - Yulara & Alice Springs
Zum Abschluss unserer Reise durch Australien ging es in die Mitte des Landes - das Outback. Nach einem dreistündigen Flug von Sydney nach Alice Springs fuhren wir weitere 4,5 Stunden mit dem Auto über den Stuart und…
By Sven
For a Better Web - Ep. 02
Episode 2 of our new podcast series is now out! In this second episode, Bruce chats with the founder of Cryptee, a privacy-preserving photo and notes Progressive Web App from Estonia.…
By María
Welcome to This n that!
In this blog, I will delve into a variety of intriguing topics that may spark curiosity and ignite the imagination. From the wonders of nature and the complexities of technology to the richness of culture and the…
By msanniemacd
最近、日本のゲーム開発者たちがGodotエンジンを使い始めているのを見て、とても嬉しく思います。数ヶ月前までは考えられなかったことですし、Godotに関する書籍も登場して驚きです!この急速なGodotの関心の高まりには、どんな理由があるのでしょうか。今後、さらに多くの国内開発者がGodotで素晴らしいゲームを作ることを期待しています。 一方で、Game…
By raimondo
How God saved/saves ... Jews,Israelites ... and many out of the gentiles/goyim ... nations.
HOW GOD SAVED / SAVES ... Jews, Israelites ... and many of the gentiles/goyim .. for Eternity.…
Jesus he say: by the word of two or three witnesses a matter is proven. Consider covid: Did it kill people? No, the caccines did that. Was it man made? …
First in a long line of firsts
This is the blog post required asking me to begin using the services that are offered here in order to get usage of the e-mail service that I use regularly with another account. …
By blknblu1
26th to the 1st and counting
The space between US.…
WIN CMD & PS COMMANDS Command Prompt, sometimes called CMD or even DOS, is a command-line interpreter built into Windows. It is mostly used to diagnose or troubleshoot problems in Windows. Most end-users will never…
By disu1950
It's back.......
I saw a post on LinkedIn a week or so ago from (I think) an American tech entrepreneur. I can't remember all the details, but it was basically decrying the Work At Home stuff that gained huge traction during the…
By travellinbob
心配事という言葉には、心に掛けて思い煩うこと、不安に思うこと、これから先のことが気懸りで心を悩ませるという意味があります。 この点で心配事のない人は1人もいないのではないでしょうか? 「終わりの時代は困難で危機的な時になります」。 (テモテ第二3:1) それで沢山の不安、心配事があると思います。 例えば、物価が上がっています。 電気、水道、ガスなどの光熱費も上がっています。…
By ky25