Category: Recent

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第六十三號公告

自南無第三世多杰羌佛和佛母為眾生擔業而報化涅槃的消息公佈之後,人天悲泣,全世界的佛弟子們都在全身心地祈禱,祈求佛陀、佛母能返回人間,救渡我們苦難的眾生。 不出意外的是,一些人妖騙子也開始了他們的表演,為防止大眾上當受騙,第三世多杰羌佛辦公室特公告如下:…

By cultivator108

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第六十二號公告

2022年1月1日,在美國拉斯維加斯佛陀住地,南無第三世多杰羌佛爲衆生說法“貪能壞道”。佛陀說法之後,佛母看到壇場里弟子們供上的鮮花,便爲大家開示說:供花要盡心虔誠,供佛的鮮花以牡丹、蘭花、向日葵和蓮花這四種爲首,其它很多花不能用來供佛,比如芍藥等等。佛母開示完以後,還加持在場的佛弟子們每人一顆金剛丸,并宣布爲衆生擔業。 1月4日晚,南無羌佛召集四衆弟子,說:“現在末法時期,衆生的業力太重,而且越來越嚴重,佛母一個人是擔不了的,這次我會…

By cultivator108

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第六十一號公告


By cultivator108

Our nation needs a fundamental change of priorities

He deported those who escaped from the sword to Babylon, and they became servants to him and his sons until the rise of the Persian kingdom. This fulfilled the word of the LORD through Jeremiah, and the land enjoyed its…

By paul1149

The Start - Turning Juice into Wine

The 6 gallon fermenting buckets, having been washed and sanitized, await the addition of the bentonite clay, juice and water. The new juice kit with yeast added on top. These Island Mist kits include a flavor pac and…

By robrose

Überwindet das USA-Indien-Verhältnis sein Koma?

Ende September wird der indische Premierminister Modi zum Vierergipfel in die USA reisen, bei dem er sein Land mit den USA, Australien und Japan vertreten wird. Die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Indien befinden sich…

By funken

Give Me Jesus Fernando Ortega with the Rexburg Children's Choir sing Give Me Jesus…

By jannipea

Vivaldi now available as Snap

We've cared about the Linux Community since the beginning! 🐧 We'll continue to provide the same packaging options we've always had available, and hope to reach even more Linux users by including a Snap package for those…

By María

Sept. 25, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

September 25

John 6:35 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world.…

By theophan

It's FOSS: Screen Time, цифровое благополучие с открытым кодом

У редакции It's FOSS для вас ещё одно открытое приложение, которым можно заменить привычные утилиты для отслеживания цифрового благополучия. Называется оно незамысловато – Screen Time, и в некоторых аспектах оно даже…

By Alex Semёnov

Noget om Styrelser

Styrelser er noget den statslige administration benytter sig af, og når jeg ser ordet Styrelser, får jeg efterhånden kuldegysninger, for der er da slet ikke styr på noget i disse styrelser. Det værste eksempel er…

By nesega