Category: Recent

A few more things to test...

There's just a few more things I want to test with WordPress to Fediverse integration. For example, if I tag someone, will they get a notification? Let's find out: @[email protected]

By AJ Sadauskas

DEPRESSIE ... Hoe deze te overwinnen ...

De onderstaande VIDEO'S ... zijn met een zeer oude notebook gemaakt. Daarom laat de geluidskwaliteit te wensen over. Desondanks wens ik U veel zegen en toch veel sterkte en bemoediging en/of  troost en genezing toe in…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Hello Fediverse!

I decided to set up a WordPress blog with the Fediverse plugin for some of my longer Mastodon posts. Follow this account for more posts soon ☺️…

By AJ Sadauskas

Hello world!

Recently, I've been thinking about setting up a blog for some of my longer Mastodon posts. One of the good things about Vivaldi Social, where my Fedi account is based, is that it includes a WordPress blog that includes…

By AJ Sadauskas

Oct. 24, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Take Vivaldi 7.0 for a spin!

Download the sparkling new version of Vivaldi on desktop and let us know what you think. You'll find us on the Forum and all over social media.…

By Jane

October 24

Psalm 143:6 I spread out my hands to You; I thirst for You like a parched land. Jeremiah 10:24 Correct me, LORD, but only with justice — not in Your anger, lest You reduce me to nothing.…

By theophan

A New Vivaldi – A Whole New Browsing Experience

Vivaldi 7.0 introduces a completely redesigned user interface, featuring floating tabs, sleek new icons, and a customizable Dashboard. The new Dashboard centralizes your digital tools into one convenient space. Along…

By Jane

Nowy Vivaldi – całkowicie nowe doświadczenie

Z dumą ogłaszamy premierę nowej wersji Vivaldi. Całkowicie odmieniony wygląd interfejsu i zupełnie nowa odsłona strony startowej perfekcyjnie wpisują się w filozofię Vivaldi – przekazywanie użytkownikom kontroli nad ich…

By pafflick

Digital Detox 2.0: Idea per Vivaldi Blog

Una bella idea. Ne parlo in un post su Mastodon e in un articoletto su Creative Phil Blog. Dando anche dei consigli in questo post, sempre su Mastodon.…

By palmbeach

SpaceX another Achievement

Here the vehicle come back to earth clip Credits to SpaceX…

By A10c

Face reality ... to be saved by grace ... ( CLIP )  …

By The Voice in The Wind.