Category: Recent
Android: Phantom process killer
Fix for OneUI, MiUi and other non-stock Android 12L and beyond…
By disu1950
Бесплатный менеджер буфера обмена для Windows с практически неограниченными возможностями. Устали от одних и тех же задач по копированию и вставке? Да, мы вас слышим. Сократите количество повторяющихся задач по…
By blacksniper
What's Going on in Petropavlovsk
Across Avacha Bay from the city in Vilyuchinsk is Russia's largest submarine base, the Rybachiy Nuclear Submarine Base, established during the Soviet period and still used by the Russian Navy. The city is located 6,766…
War of 2012
The War of 2012… was a war in which may have participated, resulting in the loss of his freakishly long legs.
By oldfreebie
War on terror
The war on terror, officially the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), is a global counterterrorist military campaign initiated by the United States following the September 11 attacks and is the most recent global…
By oldfreebie