Category: Recent


I don't know what I'm doing, just trying to figure this out.I've never written a blog before, I've never even really paid attention to blogs until recently. I have the Fediverse to thank for me even thinking about…

By chriszx

When a CEO called me his "late night girl", I started a blog

How I became "late night girl" …

By latenightgirl

Tip #546

Watch our new video series "Vivaldi 101" and learn more about the possibilities of your favorite browser, Vivaldi! Do you like to learn about Vivaldi by watching videos? You're in luck because we have a new video…

By Vivaldi Tips

Aug. 21, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

August 21

Isaiah 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, I…

By theophan

To Aline — A Better Definition

Many dictionaries1 2 3 list this aline …a variant of , I think it would better serve the English language with a different definition.

By lonm

Jordan Peterson

Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson, speaking about truth.…

By Cezar

Clematis 2nd blooming

Global warming has also caused clematis to bloom for the second time, which is not normal in my area. Here is the main Clematis article...…

By Cezar

Araneus diadematus

Araneus diadematus - European Cross Spider - Gartenkreuzspinne - Koronás keresztespók…

By Cezar


Recently, it became known that the rusostan military police in Armenia again illegally arrested a rusostan deserter at the embassy in Gyumri. * Here and elsewhere in the text, I will refer to all representatives of law…

By rudyprime

By rachmaninoff

Open Spirit ... ( CLIP )

By The Voice in The Wind.