Category: Recent


米国ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグ近くの炭鉱で,突然大規模な出水事故が発生し,9人の作業員が地下70㍍の狭い空間に閉じ込められましたが,幸いなことに3日後,無事に救出されました。どのようにしてでしょうか?炭鉱の地図とGPSを頼りに,救助隊がドリルで直径65㌢の穴を開け,カプセル型のかごを作業員たちの所まで降ろしたのです。一人ずつ,そのかごで地上に引き上げられ,迫り来る死から救い出されました。全員,生還を喜び合い,救助隊に感謝しました。 私…

By ky25

休暇中色々やろう!と思っていたけども、蓋を開けたら何もできずに終わりそうです 子どもたちがみんな大きくなっていたの見られたのでそれはとてもよかった!毎日大きくなったねえと言って過ごした。今日帰っちゃうからバイバイまで遊ぶぞ!!とりあえずお昼何にしよう……

By カイコ

Lupinus polyphyllus

Lupinus polyphyllus - Large-Leaved Lupine - Vielblättrige Lupine - Erdei csillagfürt…

By Cezar

Managing Group Policy ADMX for Windows 7

Managing Group Policy ADMX Files Step-by-Step Guide Microsoft Windows Vista® and Windows Server 2008 introduce a new format for displaying registry-based policy settings. Registry-based policy settings (located under…

By disu1950

As One Of Jehovah's Witnesses

Going over the speech by JD Vance and yet avoiding politics I have to tell you what pushed me to shove back against Reddit:…

By weatherlawyer

È ora di chiudere i commenti su Internet

A cosa dovrebbero servire i commenti in coda ad un post o ad un articolo? Sembra una domanda banale ma quando provi a formulare una risposta coerente ti accorgi che così ovvia la questione non lo è proprio. Lo chiedeste…

By hydor

The Two Big Jumps in Aging: What They Mean for Your Health and Wealth

Dua Lompatan Besar dalam Penuaan: Apa Artinya bagi Kesehatan dan Kekayaan Anda…

By duckcapitalknow

Aug. 17, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Palestine. Israel. Revolution. The New Left. The Old Left. Political ocherk.

The barbaric invasion of Hamas in the fall of 2023 initiated a new round of war between Palestine and Israel, which has been going on for more than half a year. Here, in this article, I will try to argue and clearly…

By rudyprime

It's FOSS: 13 расширений для Google Chrome

Очередная подборка полезных браузерных расширений, на сей раз для Google Chrome и других основанных на нём браузеров. Исходный код полностью открыт, так что вперёд…

By Alex Semёnov

August 17

John 5:24 Jesus said, “Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life, and does not come under judgment, but has passed from death to life.” John 17:16 Jesus prayed, “ are not of the world, even…

By theophan

Making Friends

August 22, 2024 — Posted inAnime & Manga, Browser, Design, Family, Food, Gadgets, Gaming, Health & Fitness, Literature, Movies &…

By oneboy