Category: Recent
Dr Benoit
Dr Benoit Benoit, a distinguished figure in the realm of orthopedic surgery, stands as an exceptional beacon of expertise in Montreal. With a profound specialization in orthopedic surgery, particularly in the areas of…
Honey Bees on Thistle
Apis mellifera (Western Honey Bee - Honigbiene - Házi méh - Abeille à miel - Albina meliferă) on Carduus acanthoides (Plumeless Thistle - Weg-Distel - Ciulin)… You can see Carduus acanthoides .
By Cezar
Echium vulgare
Echium vulgare - Viper's Bugloss or Blueweed - Gewöhnlicher Natternkopf oder Blauer Natternkopf - Terjőke kígyószisz - Vipérine commune ou Serpentine - Iarba șarpelui…
By Cezar
Leptophyes on Spiraea
Leptophyes albovittata (Bush-Cricket - Közönséges virágszöcske - Gestreifte Zartschrecke…) on Spiraea japonica
By Cezar
Magnolia 2nd blooming
Global warming has caused magnolia to bloom for the second time in July instead of September. In theory, magnolias can bloom in the autumn but they don't have to; it depends on weather. It used to be rare in the past…
By Cezar
Lythrum salicaria
Lythrum - Purple Loosestrife - Gewöhnlicher Blutweiderich - Réti füzény - Salicaire commune - Răchitan…
By Cezar
Daucus carota
Daucus carota - Wild Carrot - Wilde Möhre - Vadmurok - Carotte sauvage - Morcov sălbatic…
By Cezar
Pelargonium inquinans - Scarlet geranium - Pelargonien - Muskátli - Pélargonium - Mușcată…
By Cezar
nocmonio deturno
de cómo Doris la metopa se frisó con dos triglifos que la Miss Chivia dice que la playa azul de la persona mía …
By segaram
Haskell Arrow
haskell arrow에서 가장 유사한 개념을 Javascript 에서 찾는다면 Promise가 되겠다. Promise에서 넘겨받은걸 .then(f)로 연쇄하여 오류를 크게 줄이면서 가독성 좋은 코딩이 가능해진다. Haskell 에는 훨씬 종류가 많은 arrow가 있는데 그 설명은 턱도없이 부족하여 코딩 초보는 이해하기가 상당히 어렵다.참고한…
By JaehwanSHIN