Category: Recent


NASA's Voyager 1… spacecraft is fully operational once more, with all four science instruments returning usable data to Earth.

By weatherlawyer

ENDTIME - last days- preaching (by The Wind 7)

By The Voice in The Wind.

Album Player

 Album Player (Freeware, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11)  предназначен для составления и прослушивания сборников музыкальных альбомов на жестком диске или на CD/DVD. Плеер воспроизводит звуковые файлы форматов WAV, FLAC,…

By blacksniper

Massage Yoni Và Những Tác Hại Ban Cần Phải Tránh

Massage Yoni hay còn gọi là massage vùng kín, là một phương pháp mát xa đặc biệt nhằm mang lại sự thư giãn và kích thích tình dục cho phụ nữ. Tuy nhiên, việc áp dụng phương pháp này không đúng cách có thể dẫn đến nhiều…

By topmassagenet

Tip #510

Mark Vivaldi Forum notifications as read without opening them. When someone replies to a topic you've commented on on the Vivaldi Forum, then of course you want to see what they say and you click on the notification to…

By Vivaldi Tips

Loot manga, suite et fin

Bonjour ! J’avais prévenu qu’il y aurait une suite à l’article d’avant-hier, et la voilà :…

By Trit’

الشذوذ وأنواعه

الشذوذ : هو كل فعل مخالف للفطرة البشرية السليمة ؛ والشذوذ أنواع منه : العقائدي والفكري والجنسي !!!…

By مُدَوَّنَةُ الْقَلَمِ الْعَرَبِيِّ

Nutanix HCI Community Editionをセットアップしてみた

おうちで暇こいていたDeskMini A300に、Hyper-Converged Infrastructureとして馬車馬のように働いてもらおう! (※注…

By loupsgarous

North Sea Oil & Gas Are Out, Environmentalism or Not

In this UK general election there is a lot of disagreement over what should be done about north sea oil and gas development in the UK. Labour want to do a "phased transition" away from north sea oil and…

By lonm

June 18, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Hadith 1/4

حقا إن الله لا يستحيي من الجمال. وبكى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على المنبر في المسجد. فسأل الصحابة: يا رسول الله، ما يبكيك؟ فقال النبي: أبكي لأن الله سيعذب يوم القيامة من منع الحلى من الرجال والنساء. الحديث رواه علي .…

By shiatrue