Category: Recent

acessar emoções

Faço terapia, acho que devo ter mencionado. Nunca subestimei a coisa, mas somente esse ano me dispus a fazer, e tem sido bom pra mim.…

By Rai

Passkey Routine

Ausschnitt für Bash-Scripts zur Abfrage eines Passkeys. Dieser Ausschnitt (Subroutine) fragt einen FIDO2-fähigen Security Schlüssel zur Identifikation ab, wenn beispielsweise ein Skript ausgeführt wird, das Dateien…

By pa8815

Aug. 7, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Tip #540

Discover the different ways you can copy links in Vivaldi on Android. Vivaldi on Android offers a few ways to copy the URL of the web page you're currently on to your phone's clipboard. Give them a try and find the one…

By Vivaldi Tips

August 07

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation, 4 who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to console those who are…

By theophan

Times of Life ... ( CLIP ) Clip made with Clipchamp.mp4…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Nuove Poesie Elettroniche

Ho iniziato a scrivere in questa modalità. Mi piace molto. Ha senso. La morfologia alla quale sono andato convergendo, "semi-punteggiata", restituisce un senso di ordine e scansione logica che mi somiglia. Ovvero, che…

By palmbeach

meditar e seguir o fluxo

Trabalho em algo que muitos podem achar desagradável: cobrança! Não sei nem explicar como vim parar aqui, mas acho que em parte deve-se a uma praga que meu professor de matemática (Gilmar) me jogou na minha adolescência…

By Rai

NextDNS - Protect Yourself Using DNS

For a little more than a month now, I've been using NextDNS, to see if it can provide another layer of protection against ads, trackers and malware. Here are my impressions.…

By publicwolf

Tip #539

Keep your Saved Sessions relevant with quick edits in the Sessions Panel. Saving your open tabs as sessions allows you to access them all with just a few clicks at any point. To make your sessions even more useful,…

By Vivaldi Tips

Aug. 6, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Расподела молекула по брзинама

Симулација приказује Максвелов график расподеле молекула у погледу њихових брзина, у зависности од температуре T и моларне масе гаса M. Врх графика представља највероватнију брзину молекула, док средња квадратна брзина…

By dristic