Category: Recent
New psychology research reveals a strong link between life purpose and reduced depression - PsyPost [2023-12-09]
Recent research has demonstrated a significant connection between having a sense of purpose in life and lower levels of depression and anxiety. This finding, based on data from tens of thousands of individuals and…
By canadianguy
Does microdosing magic mushrooms help people with mental health issues? Science is trying to find out - CBC News [2023-12-09]
"Microdosing saved my life," says Andrina Stan. Stan, 35, works as an integrative therapist in Toronto and has struggled with her mental health at times. Stan says she believes it was psilocybin, the psychoactive…
By canadianguy
Bariatric surgery saved my life. But it wasn't the 'easy' way out of weight loss - CBC News [2023-12-09]
As a child, I was always what some would call "the chubby girl." Later, as a single mom of two children living in a low-income neighbourhood, I couldn't always put quality food on the table. A bag of frozen fries was…
By canadianguy
On the Brink: The ‘harsh environment’ of youth homelessness from a lived experience - Global News [2023-12-08]
Kat Bagnald knows what it’s like to be on the brink. At the young age of 20, she’s already been through a lot. She struggled with housing insecurity since she was 16 and has spent the last four years between shelters,…
By canadianguy
How tiny shelters in Ontario are looking to fill the gap for those in need of housing - Global News [2023-12-08]
Rows of tiny cabins across a Kitchener, Ont., neighbourhood have been catching the eye of several communities across the province that’ve begun duplicating the model, hoping to bridge the gap between homelessness and…
By canadianguy
Woman who threw hot burrito bowl at Chipotle worker sentenced to fast food job - CBC News [2023-12-06]
A woman who threw a hot burrito bowl in a Chipotle worker's face because she didn't like the way it was prepared may soon learn what it's like to be on the other side of the counter. An Ohio judge sentenced 39-year-old…
By canadianguy
Tip #508
Open Vivaldi on iOS with an immediate focus on the Address Field from the app icon on the home screen. If adding a search widget to your Home Screen on iOS (see Tip #389) is not to your liking, you can still open…
By Vivaldi Tips
CSS for web visitor-owner presentation cooperation
The media query prefers-reduced-motion implies the existence of prefers-increased-motion. What other rules and queries in CSS are missing, and how could web developers use them?…
By lonm
Исправляем проблемы с аккумулятором Huawei Band 7
Пару месяцев назад мой Huawei Band 7 начал слишком быстро разряжаться. Сперва мне казалось, что это вполне ожидаемая после нескольких лет активного использования деградация аккумулятора, но, как оказалось, проблема…
By Alex Semёnov
Moments of dysplasia. Dysplasia is an increaseTrusted Source in abnormal cell growth, thus something handed to citizens of Earth in the 20th century onwards by the cannanites national health services. No weapon will…