Category: Recent

Tip #605

Share links of web pages you have open in Vivaldi on iOS effortlessly with others. To share a link from your iPhone or iPad, you can tap on the Address Field to copy the link and paste it in some other app, but why do…

By Vivaldi Tips

Éventailliste : Un métier rare et précieux qui résiste au temps.

1. Introduction : L'art de l'éventailliste, un héritage intemporel. Présentation du métier d’éventailliste et son histoire :…

By achrafyo

Freedoms on the brink of extinction.

I am reading "Franklin And Winston - An Intimate Portrait Of An Epic Friendship" by Jon Meacham. In the book, the author references and quotesFranklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms," as outlined in his State of the…

By lynnskyi

Nov. 27, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

TechCrunch: Открытые аналоги популярных сервисов

Доступных россиянам приложений становится всё меньше: какие-то из них блокируют, а какие-то сами ограничивают доступ пользователям с российскими IP-адресами. К счастью, у многих из них замена. Вот только об…

By Alex Semёnov

November 27

Mark 6:34 As went ashore, He saw a great crowd; and He had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things. Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who are weary…

By theophan

Grypa a moja cukrzyca

 Właśnie przechodzę coś grypopodobnego: uczucie zimna, kaszel, katar, dreszcze, osłabienie i bóle brzucha. Zacząłem brać tabletki i syrop i nie wychodzić z domu. Po kilku dniach nastąpiła poprawa. Jednak walka w tym…

By Piotr

Hiperglikemiczny zespół hiperosmolarny (HHS)

Hiperglikemiczny zespół hiperosmolarny (HHS) to groźne, ostre powikłanie cukrzycy, najczęściej występujące u osób z cukrzycą typu 2, zwłaszcza w starszym wieku. Charakteryzuje się bardzo wysokim poziomem glukozy we…

By Piotr

How a Dedicated Drupal Agency Transforms Your Digital Presence

In the fast-paced digital world, a strong and scalable online presence is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition.  Drupal, a robust open-source content management system (CMS), has become the…

By titali1jan

Geschichtsträchtiges Wirtschaftszentrum und Obstgärten - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt & das Mekong-Delta

Die letzte Station unserer Reise führte uns nach Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - das ehemalige Saigon. Die Stadt ist das wirtschaftliche Zentrum des Landes und kann standesgemäß eine Skyline mit einer Vielzahl an Hochhäusern…

By Sven

Het Goede Nieuws in vogelvlucht ... ( Dutch.NL.EU)

By The Voice in The Wind.

Lidl's Vegan Nut Roast - Solid Idea, Crap Execution

Is this blog pivoting to budget supermarket food reviews? For today it is. Unsure what to prepare for my evening meal, I decided to try one of Lidl's 'deluxe' prepared meals. This one purports to be a delicious nut…

By lonm

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