Category: Recent
5 элементарных советов для защиты ваших устройств
Давненько у нас тут не было гайдов, особенно самопальных. Сегодня поговорим о том, как защитить ваш смартфон от тех, кто попытается в него залезть. Удивительное дело, но я до сих пор встречаю тех, у кого на телефоне…
By Alex Semёnov
pelo fim de todas as formas injustas de exploração do trabalho No 15 de novembro de 1889, no Rio de Janeiro, o povo não esteve presente na proclamação da república. No feriado de hoje o proletariado urbano, assalariado,…
By ProfFábio
Finding out my brother died via email
Podcast episode with Dr. Christine Malone interviewing …
By expretcast
Half-Life 2 turns 20 years
Half-Life 2 is 20 years today, which effectively marks also the start of Steam as a platform. …
By coreus
Freewallet scammed Minergate former customer
A user recently shared a frustrating ordeal with Freewallet after years of using the service without issues. They originally set up their Freewallet account in 2018, gradually depositing various cryptocurrencies like…
By serhiokanzer
Tip #597
Restore recently deleted Calendar events from Trash. When a cancelled event is back on, instead of creating a new event in your Vivaldi Calendar you can simply restore the one you deleted.…
By Vivaldi Tips
Setting the Scene
I live on the very south-eastern edge of the Beacons. It's where I first explored as a kid, on foot and on bike, and the moors above Brynmawr hold a lot of personal significance for me. This is my usual goto area to…
By desdinova
Motivation & Trepidation
Well, where do I begin?Blogs - never really succeeded at them! Partly because of my own mental health, I am the archetypal manic personality type - starting things and then running out of steam as my cycles, well...…
By desdinova
November 15
John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.…
By theophan