Category: Recent

You seriously need to read this post, witching AdMaiaras! :) My Mom & sister not witches. I just want more fans. Also, mafia read this post!!!!

So like, hey everyone! It's me, Maiara, writing another blog post because I seriously need my fans (The AdMaiaras) who are girls and women, to know I haven't suddenly become, like, the ho of all boys and men or…

By victoriareign

Wind in the Autumn Wetlands

A serene boardwalk curves alongside a tranquil body of water, bordered by tall reeds under a sky dotted with fluffy clouds. Bare trees line the path, adding to the peaceful atmosphere of the scene. The clouds moving as…

By fjcasella

Dec. 15, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns: Because God loves us He is always instructing and correcting us so that we can prosper in His kingdom. So, we must do that which will enable us to prosper in all things. Opportunities will be…

By blessing14

December 15

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.…

By theophan

First Entry

Every day I become more and more impressed with Vivaldi as a community-first company. They have made it so easy to engage with the community and have provided many ways of doing so. I was very surprised to see that they…

By awsomesawce

12.15 早报 | 韩国国会投票弹劾总统尹锡悦;叙利亚人计划在阿萨德下台后自主发展,但邻国干预或成阻碍;大多伦多地区迎来GST/HST假期,消费者和商家反应不一

大多伦多地区迎来GST/HST假期,消费者和商家反应不一 多伦多——联邦政府的GST/HST假期于周六开始,尽管食品行业的一些人希望这能带动销售,但消费者对于是否会因此增加消费表示不确定。自由党政府的两个月GST/HST假期于周六正式启动。此税收减免将免除预制食品、玩具、某些类型的酒类和其他节假日必需品的GST。在像安大略省这样的省份,省级和联邦销售税合并为统一的销售税,HST将从这些商品中完全免除。周六在密西沙加购物的一些人表示,他们…

By ontariochinese

December Analysis charts

This stuff is copyrighted by the Met office but posted though a private ciizen's server via VetterZentrale' repeater. I am using them for public use because of their accuracy and because I am looking for results the Met…

By qle

Freewallet support won’t help you!

Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! …

By serhiokanzer

Пројекат у гимназији о загађењу ваздуха

У оквиру Примењених наука у гимназији могуће је остварити пројекат у вези загађења ваздуха у граду током зимских месеци. Циљеви су да млади људи стекну знања о врстама, изворима и последицама загађења ваздуха у…

By dristic

Quesadillas au fromage

Quesadillas au fromage Quesadillas au fromage…

By worgen

12.14 晚报 | 韩国国会投票弹劾总统尹锡悦;加拿大短道速滑队在首尔世界巡回赛中斩获三金两银;在Sun Peaks滑雪度假村失踪的滑雪者被发现身亡

加拿大短道速滑队在首尔世界巡回赛中斩获三金两银 加拿大短道速滑队在周六于首尔举行的世界巡回赛上表现出色,在木洞冰场共赢得五枚奖牌,其中包括三枚金牌。来自蒙特利尔的William Dandjinou在男子1500米决赛中以2分14.313秒的成绩获得金牌。魁北克的Steven Dubois在男子500米决赛中以41.681秒的成绩夺金,他的队友Jordan…

By ontariochinese

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