Category: Featured

A House?

By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; 4 And by knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24…

By jbwcompassion

Inner Beauty Before Outer Beauty

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. Kahlil Gibran …

By jbwcompassion

Some Tracing Fun...

Now to add the wire array around the globe. I think this is to protect you from accidentally burning your hand, or possibly to protect the globe from getting cracked by banging up against something. Either way, this is…

By matthew.cherry

Why #AllLivesMatter is Bad and #BlackLivesMatter is Important

Imagine tweeting #JewishLivesMatter in the middle of the holocaust in WWII, only to see people responding with #AllLivesMatter.…

By tradesmanhelix

Posh Nosh: How to Present Food Like a Professional Chef

In this infographic we share a guide to presenting food like a professional chef.…

By danielcrustove

A Country of Immigrants

Photo: American Flag Through the Trees - Copyright 2020 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

.Happy Anniversary Smokey Bear

.Smokey Bear. August 9, 1944“Our Carelessness. Their Secret Weapon.”…

By i_ri


(Concept into prototype) I…

By dieselhead6

Vote for your favorite Vivaldi features!

Hi all! Thank you for using Vivaldi, and this time let's do something fun together: vote for your favorite Vivaldi features!…

By takaaki

Gone fishing.... The boring market report August 5th 2020

I have plenty of subjects to discuss in September and later. I want to spend three weeks far from Internet, the worldly (bad) news, ... I will monitor my open positions, but not much more. I will not validate the…

By Dragon Trader

What is Dignity?

Dignity is said to be the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically with inherent nobility and worth. Said another way, then, is dignity the quality or state of being…

By fjcasella

Purpuricenus budensis

Purpuricenus budensis…, Cerambycidae

By Mountain biodiversity