Category: Recent

Will Edging Solve the Problem?

It has been a constant fight between the purple plants and the ever encroaching Bermuda grass in the area surrounding this palm tree. Noticing that many of our neighbors have installed edging to solve this problem, we…

By robrose

Mastodon Linear Collage

Se ci pensiamo, un post può essere una sequenza di ritagli. Io, per esempio, scrivo e disegno molte cose che in forma del tutto frammentaria deposito nel mio Mastodon. Una sketchnote, per esempio...…

By palmbeach

Tip #566

Hide posts from all users on a specific Mastodon instance. When you notice that users on a particular Mastodon instance are posting content you don't want to see or engage with, instead of muting or blocking users one…

By Vivaldi Tips

Good Sex and Self Esteem Often Go Together, Study Finds

There's a strong link between self-esteem and good times between the sheets, a new study suggests. Folks ranking high in self-esteem also tended to rate their sex lives as satisfying, reported a team from the…

By rgrichardson

#2 John Ozbay (Cryptee) – For a Better Web

In this second episode, Bruce chats with John Ozbay, founder of Cryptee, a privacy-preserving photo and notes Progressive Web App from Estonia.

By Jane


Çalışkan olmalıyız.Sadece çalışarak öğreniriz.Bu çok büyük bir kıymet,Çok çok çalışkan olmalıyız.…

By nurmekki

Ryd op i dine emails

Lige som du er nødt til at rydde op i din postkasse ude ved vejen, er du også nødt til at rydde op i dine emails, da du ellers risikerer, at din Mailbox går i udu. Anledningen til denne advarsel er, at jeg lige har…

By nesega

Oct. 1, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

yt_dlp'pip install -U yt-dlp' , shell=True) with YoutubeDL({'quiet': True}) as ydl : res = ydl.extract_info(url , download=False)…

By tadyas

October 01

Haggai 2:4 "Be strong, all you people of the land,” declares the Lord, “and work. For I am with you,” declares the Lord Almighty.…

By theophan

Could the Faroes Help Scotland?

This video… about tunnels in the Faroes sparked off my interest:

By lonm

Octobre 2024 en mangas !

Bonjour ! L’automne est là, on va donc se farcir du froid jusqu’en mai, voire juin prochain… 😒😤 Mais le 27, on se rapprochera un peu de notre fuseau horaire normal en revenant à l’heure avancée d’Europe de l’ouest, le…

By Trit’