Category: Recent
On Dialysis.
Talk among ourselves as outpatients Chat during an epic of two or three machines posting alarms, turned into comparison data, turned to Blood Pressure data. All meaningless numbers to me, they check my blood pressure…
Deconstructed Granola
I've always wanted to use the word deconstructed in a blog title. And yes, I know it should have used unconstructed or some word like that. It's been a looong hard day and I forgot to write a post earlier so this is…
By robrose
Loot lecture du 29/09/2024
Bonjour à tous ! Comment allez-vous ? Ici la vie a été assez...compliquée émotionnellement dernièrement. Vacances certes, mais un évènement les a un peu flinguées, et le boulot en ce moment c'est un timing intenable à…
It is going to be cold on the 7th October Pluto Earth and Mars; Jupiter Mars and Venus align after Earth and Mecury align through Sol. there will have been a couple of significant earthquakes by then presumably Mag 6.0…
Yousee - bad service
Jeg har før besværet mig over manglende service hos Yousee, og må konstatere, at det fortsat ikke har ændret sig. I dag skulle jeg hjælpe en gammel soldaterkammerat med at fremskaffe en ny PUK-kode til hans…
By nesega
Announcement for US citizens and residents affected by Freewallet
We are launching a coordinated effort to bring attention to the fraudulent activities of Freewallet, a company that has scammed numerous cryptocurrency users. Many victims have reported the unauthorized freezing of…
By serhiokanzer
저렴한 블루투스 포터블 스피커 선택 활용법
블루투스 스피커를 들고 다니다보면 야외에서 파손 분실의 위험성이 있으므로 저렴하면서도 적당한 성능이 보장되는 것을 선택하고 싶어진다. 그러나 막상 장만해보면 더 좋은 사운드를 위해 고급제품을 사려고 하게 되고 저가형 제품을 보면서 돈 버렸다는 생각을 한번쯤은 하게 된다.…
By JaehwanSHIN
Enhance Your Productivity (and Happiness) with These 3 Remote Work Tools
if not approached properly, remote work can negatively impact your productivity and overall well-being. However, incorporating these three tools can significantly boost your efficiency and transform your work-from-home…
By liamfalm
Valahol Magyarországon
Somewhere in Hungary... Far away from the madness of the day-to-day life. Távol a mindennapi élet őrületétől.…
By Cezar