Category: Recent

Loot lecture du 30/06/2024

Bonjour à toutes et tous ! Comment allez-vous ? Ici ça peut aller, même si ce pays part dans une direction très inquiétante... Mais bon, on ne va pas épiloguer, je pense que vous avez tous et toutes vu ce qu'il s'est…

By hakenbrowning

The Compassionate Science: A Deeper Look into Nursing

Nursing is a unique blend of compassion and expertise, central to the nursing of the ers of the care    capella flexpath assessments  healthcare system. Nurses are the frontline caregivers, offering not only medical…

By nursfpx

7. nap: Elmerültünk Toscanában

Olasz körút, 2024. május 16-28.…

By torok61laszlo

Full Circle

You know you're getting old when you look at something old and think, "Ah! There's something familiar." I feel that way every time I look at a beautiful (or sturdy, or functional, or plain) old building, or something…

By fallaw

Lesson 2 How to Be Humble

Train Now…A child who learns to perform humble tasks at home is more likely to work well with others as an adult.

By judithkratochvil

The Little Horn of Daniel 7.

By The Voice in The Wind.

Hallo Welt

Ubuntu Linux, LXD, 2FA, weg vom Mainstream. Weg von der lückenlosen Berieselung auf das gläserne Haupt. Das sind die mehr oder weniger technischen Themen, die mich derzeit bewegen. Also nichts weltbewegendes, sondern…

By pa8815

demonio meridiano

Sivasubrahmanian Chandrasegarampillai Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta…

By segaram

Tip #518

Move the active tab to a different Workspace using Command Chains. You can find Keyboard Shortcuts for numerous actions in your Vivaldi browser and with Command Chains you can make many more. For example, you can…

By Vivaldi Tips

my June gear

今月はあまり買わずに済んだが… Marshall MOTIF II A.N.C…

By rindow

Step into the spotlight

Our Community is much better because you're in it. 🙂 …

By María

Test post number 1

This is just a test :)

By fredrik