Category: Recent

Step into the spotlight

Our Community is much better because you're in it. 🙂 …

By María

Test post number 1

This is just a test :)

By fredrik

July 1, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Come se fossi un bambino

Avevo già provato a trasferire la "colpa" di un bambino nella testa di un uomo. Ora sembra che abbia provato a trasferire la voglia di vivere e le paure di un uomo in quelle di un vecchio. Non aveva senso il primo…

By Juan

July 1

Proverbs 2:8 He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of His saints. Hebrews 13:5-6 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has…

By theophan

Juillet 2024 en mangas !

Bonjour ! Un mois de juillet des plus tendus, vu le contexte actuel……

By Trit’

My Feminism (Also, if you're British -- unlike me, since I'm here illegally and I don't want to be British -- DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN THE JULY 4TH ELECTION)

I hope you like my picture (more about that below!) So like regarding the title of this blog post though: It's totally OK to be yelling about us all choosing to VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN ALL ELECTIONS!!!! :) Do you know how…

By victoriareign

The Beast of Revelation 13. A little bit to think about, to pray about...…

By The Voice in The Wind.


7/5 『先生の白い嘘』 『ブリーディング・ラブ はじまりの旅』 『コードギアス 奪還のロゼ 第3幕』 『YOLO 百元の恋』 『フィリップ』 『Shirley』 7/12 『メイ・ディセンバー ゆれる真実』 『呪葬』 『大いなる不在』 『フンパヨン 呪物に隠れた闇』…

By 稚羽矢

demonio matutino

et metuant eum omnes fines terræ huevos del milenio en cama de achicoria…

By segaram