Category: Recent

Upcoming Community Talk

On our next episode, we’ll talk about regulation as a means to restore genuine competition in the browser space and other digital markets. This Friday, 28th of June at 15 UTC.…

By Jane

June 26

Matthew 28:20 Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Psalm 62:8 Trust in at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.…

By theophan

Gypsophila vaccaria

Gypsophila vaccaria - Vaccaria hispanica - Cowherb - Kuhnelke - Fátyolvirág…

By Cezar

Sabine Hossenfelder

The physicist Sabine Hossenfelder on the relativity of spacetime.…

By Cezar

Special commands to sqlite3 (dot-commands)

Special commands to sqlite3 (dot-commands) Most of the time, sqlite3 just reads lines of input and passes them on to the SQLite library for execution. But input lines that begin with a dot (".") are intercepted and…

By disu1950

How to setup SMTP-DANE and MTA-STS

The answer is provided by Alexander on postfix mailing list. SMTP-DANE…

By fenghe


Some basic linux: uname -a uname-r uptime hostname hostname -i last reboot date cal W whoami finger user…

By disu1950


Default etc/ssh/sshd_config file for ssh: # $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.89 2013/02/06 00:20:42 dtucker Exp $…

By disu1950

The Power of GOD... ( CLIP ) CLIP created by The Wind 7 / The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of Holy Breath of GOD.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Tip #514

Switch to an existing tab that already has the link open, instead of opening it in a new tab. It's easy to end up with more open tabs than you can keep track of. That's why, when you type a link in the Address Field,…

By Vivaldi Tips

Hadis 78

ومن لم يرحم صغيرنا، ولا يوقر كبيرنا، فليس منا». …

By shiatrue