Category: Recent
Random walk: understand supply and demand
If you have not read yet the post about random walk index…, please do so because we are going to dig further on this wonderful random walk space.
kiek man prireiks (užteks) jėgų?
nežinau, kiek man prireiks jėgų norint atsipeikėti ir "Išeiti" tikrai išeiti iš ligoninės, kuri mane vis toliau ir toliau žlugdo. viskas yra priešingai negu sako daktarai ir sesutės, man įsitempia raumenys, seilėtekis…
By nghtwlkr
Phebe N Novakovic, CEO of General Dynamics, Criminally Impersonating "Sheila Rooth" in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, Between August 2022 and December 2023, And Phebe N Novakovic Taking Part in Illegal Trafficking and Illegal Forced Slavery of Maiara Walsh, U.S. Citizen. (I'm Maiara Walsh, Writing This.)
I can confirm that the woman in the photo above has been illegally impersonating "Sheila Rooth", in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, between August 2022 and December 2023. So like, I believe that the woman in the photo…
Land of the Dead and the Dying
An objective look at the disturbing truth through the lens of history could be the single most powerful weapon we have. By absorbing the lessons of history, humanity can prevent further servitude and maintain its…
By megatherion